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Sep 30, 2020
Pitch Perfect? How to Develop Your Child’s Singing Voice | Musical Play
Here are 7 Musical Play ideas that will help develop your child's singing voice – from birth to early childhood.

Sep 30, 2020
The Crucial Question: When Should Your Child Start Learning a Musical Instrument? | Musical Play
Recently a parent asked me: what age should my child start learning to play a musical instrument? and what instrument should they learn?...

Sep 30, 2020
Is Your Child Stressed or Anxious? Here is How Musical Play Can Help | Musical Play
The amazing power of Musical Play and mindfulness techniques to calm and regulate children and families who experience stress and anxiety...

Jul 29, 2020
Baby Musical Play: Am I Doing it Right? | Musical Play
Loving, relationship-based Musical Play lays a strong foundation for learning and music for life – but are you doing it right?

Jul 29, 2020
Rainy Day Ideas for Babies & Young Children | Musical Play
Rainy days are the perfect opportunity to pull out a rain stick if you have one in your music collection.

Jul 29, 2020
Sparking Your Child's Creativity: How to Combine Painting & Music | Musical Play
Musical Play does not have to only be about music – it can involve any type of creativity, painting included! Here is how to easily inco...
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