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Sep 30, 2020
Why Body Awareness Games are SO Important for Young Children | Musical Play
Did you know that singing body related pitch games can help children sing in tune? Here are a few ideas on how to incorporate body awaren...

Sep 30, 2020
Professional Development for Early Childhood Centres | Musical Play
Are you an Early Childhood educator? Julie Wylie frequently teaches Professional Development sessions for Early Childhood Centres.

Sep 30, 2020
How Musical Play Helps Mother & Baby Relationship-Building | Musical Play
Infants respond to music from birth – especially to loving, relationship-based musical interactions with their parents.

Sep 30, 2020
Pitch Perfect? How to Develop Your Child’s Singing Voice | Musical Play
Here are 7 Musical Play ideas that will help develop your child's singing voice – from birth to early childhood.

Sep 30, 2020
The Crucial Question: When Should Your Child Start Learning a Musical Instrument? | Musical Play
Recently a parent asked me: what age should my child start learning to play a musical instrument? and what instrument should they learn?...

Sep 30, 2020
Is Your Child Stressed or Anxious? Here is How Musical Play Can Help | Musical Play
The amazing power of Musical Play and mindfulness techniques to calm and regulate children and families who experience stress and anxiety...

Sep 30, 2020
10 Reasons Why Music Should Underpin Our School Curriculum | Musical Play
Here are ten – thought provoking and grounded – reasons why the Ministry of Education should develop a curriculum underpinned by music.

Sep 30, 2020
Can Babies Compose Music? | Musical Play
When and how do children start composing music? The short (and shocking) answer is: when they are babies.

Sep 30, 2020
Dancing in a Circle: is it Educational or Just Fun? | Musical Play
Simply dancing in a circle can teach children an abundance of social and musical skills. Here is our best circle dancing tips and tricks.

Jul 29, 2020
Baby Musical Play: Am I Doing it Right? | Musical Play
Loving, relationship-based Musical Play lays a strong foundation for learning and music for life – but are you doing it right?

Jul 29, 2020
What Actually is Rhythm? | Musical Play
The rhythm of life – is it everywhere! But, what actually is rhythm?

Jul 29, 2020
Rainy Day Ideas for Babies & Young Children | Musical Play
Rainy days are the perfect opportunity to pull out a rain stick if you have one in your music collection.

Jul 29, 2020
Sparking Your Child's Creativity: How to Combine Painting & Music | Musical Play
Musical Play does not have to only be about music – it can involve any type of creativity, painting included! Here is how to easily inco...

Jul 26, 2020
Musical Play: Education or Entertainment? | Musical Play
How we can support teachers to make sure that music sessions are more than just entertainment – they are underpinned by conscious musical...

Jul 26, 2020
Why Use a Swiss Ball in Music Therapy? | Musical Play
Music on a swiss ball is one of the most effective and deeply regulating Musical Play activities for small children in therapy sessions.

Jul 26, 2020
Rain Rain Go Away: Why this Song Matters | Musical Play
Why this simple little tune is so enduring and how it promotes strong musicality in small children.

Jul 26, 2020
How Tummy Lying Helps for Regulating Music Sessions | Musical Play
Did you know that tummy lying can be a highly regulating way to conduct music sessions?

Jul 26, 2020
Why is Pat-a-Cake so Popular After Hundreds of Years? | Musical Play
There’s a very good reason this wee rhyme has been popular for over 300 years. In fact, it is one of the oldest nursery rhymes on record...
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