Here are 5 fun and hassle-free Musical Play ideas to entertain your kids on the weekend.
Any of us can use little moments in the weekend to build up children’s musicality in very simple, yet effective ways. Tick off a couple of these this weekend!
• Create a short list of sounds to find in the garden. A high sound, a rough sound, a funny sound, a pitched sound, a low sound, a soft sound
• Turn a favourite story into a song – instead of reading it, use a simple melody to sing the book
• Draw 8 circles or create 8 play dough balls or stack 8 blocks and sing the scale 1-8. Then sing back down and show them how to point to notes and sing them
• Put on your favourite album at home and sing along – showing them our joy and love of music is just as important as them experiencing their own
• Blow up a balloon and sing a throw and catch song or use it as a drum