Music is a fundamental building block to a child's life – but you may be wondering, what do children learn through Musical Play classes? The answer is: so much more than you would think.
It is such a delight to work musically with children from infancy to school age.
Not only do the children learn how to feel and use the elements of music effectively in their own sensory play, but they also develop strong emotional bonds with other children and their families.
We have people of all ages actively engaged, as grandparents, parents and older siblings join in our Musical Play. By loving and surrounding the children through predictable, enjoyable music experiences, our joyful interactions nourish the brain development of our children.
Strong emotional connections and kindness generates the secretion of a whole range of feel good beneficiary hormones such as dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins in the brain. Dopamine generates energy, motivation, enthusiasm, pleasure and creativity. Our loving, emotional connections with others generates the secretions of oxytocin in the brain that fosters bonding, confidence. empathy, commitment, a strong moral capacity for kindness, caring and sharing.
Children develop strong sequential memory skills through the repetition of action songs, games, dances and are able to watch, wait, listen, anticipate, take turns participating in song and dance from a very early age as they are involved in percussion play, interactive games, circle songs and dances with their parents. They develop skills in language, maths, cognitive, social skills, executive brain function through moving, singing and playing, creating and playing rhythmic patterns, and listening to and playing up and down the five – eight note scales.
Neuroscience shows that joyful music interactions activate every part of the brain.
Thus developing the child’s capacity for musicality, analysis, listening, reasoning, spatial awareness, social interaction, self regulation, courage and kindness